Tuesday, 1 August 2017

[Mauritian Cuisine] Recette Galettes de Manioc | Mauritian Cassava Cake | Gateau Manioc (Pudding)

Back in the days, when I was waiting for 15.30 for the ringing of the hand bell in the primary school and then rush towards the “Pudding Manioc” hawker to buy two for Rs5. Out of 3-5 pudding available in his transparent case on the back of his bicycle, the cassava (Manioc) one was the best seller and the tastiest. Galettes de Manioc, Pudding Manioc or, in English, Mauritian Cassava Cake is the name of the gelatinous dessert or snack coated with dry coconut powder. As mentioned, it can be served as a dessert, a snack or simply whenever you feel you need some. Being away from home most of the time, I do miss pudding manioc. Nevertheless; even in Mauritius it is becoming very uncommon to find “Pudding Manioc” sellers. For that reason, I made a video on the preparation method which takes less than 15 minutes. This is the way I cook it and may differ from others. Microwave oven can also be used instead of conventional oven Bain Marie.
500g Cassava (Manioc)
200ml semi skimmed milk
1 cup of sugar
Vanilla essence
Butter for greasing mould
Coconut powder for coating

1, Peel and wash cassava
2, Grate Cassava finely as shown in video
3, Insert grated cassava into blender adding 200 ml of liquid milk and blend
4, Add sugar and vanilla essence to the blended cassava and mix well
5, Grease cooking mold (Use specific mold designated for your oven or microwave)
6, Pour mixture into mold and cook in Bain Marie for 30 minutes and 225°
7, Allow to cool, cut and grate with dry coconut powder

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